2023 Summer School Program will be offered to regular BKI Students. We apologies in advance, for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding .
While most local Kindergartens are closed through summer time, here at BKI, we offer maximum 4 weeks of SUMMER SCHOOL!
If you are interested in BKI, this is your chance to experience and know what BKI is all about!
No Enrolment/Enrollment Fee, No Teaching Material Fee, just the Summer School Tuition.
If you wish to be absent for a day or two for any reason, we offer make-up days, so your child can have a good balance between Summer School and other life events.
It’s a great opportunity to mix and mingle with our regular BKI students and experience the BKI atmosphere!

About/ 詳細
Date/ 日程:
July 26 ~ August 14, 2021/ 2021年7月26日~8月14日
School Days/開校日:
Monday ~ Friday/ 月曜日~金曜日
Morning Program/ モーニング・プログラム (8:30 am ~ 2:30 pm)
Full Day Program/ フルデイ・プログラム (8:30 am ~ 5:30 pm)
Course Options/ コースの選択:
Kindergarten kids may choose from 3 weeks +, Elementary kids may choose from 2weeks +/ 幼稚園クラスは3週間〜小学生クラスは2週間〜お選びいただけます。
Week 1 (July 20 ~ July 24)/ 第1週 (7月26日~7月30日)
Week 2 (July 27 ~ July 31)/ 第2週 (8月2日~8月6日)
Week 3 (August 3 ~ August 7)/ 第3週 (8月9日~8月13日)
Main Campus/School (5-17-15 Sakai, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-0022)/
メインキャンパス/スクール(〒180−0022 東京都武蔵野市境5−17−15)
3 years old ~ Elementary School Aged Children/3歳児~小学生
(For children under the age of 3, we offer REGULAR CHILD CARE "Reggio Beginner"program.)
Daily Components/一日の構成:
Welcome Time/登園後のお支度や製作の時間
English Lesson/英語 (読み書きやフォニックスの勉強など)
Park Time/公園遊び(涼しめな時間帯に公園へ毎日繰り出します)
Snack Time/おやつ
English Literacy / 英語の読解
Lunch Time/お弁当の時間
Project Time /プロジェクト (Craft and Discussion/ 工作とディスカッション)
Mat Time and Home Time/ マットタイムと帰りのお支度
(English Literacy, Stories, Songs, and show and tell, games etc./ 読み聞かせ、歌、ショーアンドテル、ゲーム)
Goodbye Time/保護者の方のお迎え
In addition to the list above, "Special Events" will take place each and every week.
Tuition Fees/学費
Tuition fees for 2021 TBA
Please enquire BKI staff for Summer School tuitions, if you are a current, or ex-BKI family.
Make-up Policies/欠席分の振替について
2 weeks course =3 make-up days/2週間コース=最大3日振替可能
3 weeks course = 4 make-up days/3週間コース=最大4日振替可能
4 weeks course = 5 make-up days/4週間コース=最大5日振替可能
NOTE: We ask that all absences during Summer School be made up DURING Summer School period ONLY.
THEME of 2021
“Learn about SCIENCE 2021"
Come on a journey with us and learn about science! This year at BKI Summer School, you will be experiencing various kinds of activities such as ‘Drop the EGG’ (how to drop the egg without breaking it) ‘Volcano eruption’ (how does a volcano erupt? make your own volcano explode!) and last but not least ‘Learn about the Earth’(learn the life circle and grow your own plant/insect) . You will also be enjoying activities such as; Tie Dye, a major water play, making other great crafts, and eating special desserts (ice cream, etc.) for snack! (To avoid the spread of Covid-19, we are sorry to announce that the cooking edition has been cancelled.)
We’ll be looking forward to seeing you soon!
世界で巻き起こる不思議な現象について我々と一緒に学んでいきませんか?今年のBKIサマースクールでは卵の落下、(三メートル地点から卵を落下させ、割らせないためにはどうすればよいか?)、火山現象(実際に噴火させてみよう!噴火の定理を知って自分の火山を噴火させよう)、自然現象(自然に触れてその仕組みを知ろう。虫と自分で選んだ植物を育ててみよう!)について取り組みます。もちろん絞り染めや水遊び、 工作も行います。(お料理体験はコロナウイルス防止のためお休みさせていただいています。)ぜひサマースクールの間にBKIに足を運んでみてください!
BKI SS 2019 Gallery
Featured Event: Water Splash!

2019 Featured Event: Cooking

BKI Summer Olympics 2016
Special Events in the past/過去に行ったスペシャルイベント
THEMES in the Past/
Summer school projects are based on THEMES which are set each year. /サマースクール中に行われるプロジェクトは設定されるテーマに沿って行われます。
Learn about the Ocean *plastic pollution /sea animals(2020)
Around the world (2019) Learning different cultures from all over the world
Looking Back (2018) Traveling through the eras
In the Dark (2017) Spooky house
Summer Olympics (2016) Water Pool Boat Race
Fly High! (2015) Save the Egg!
What is inside? (2014) Guess what is in the box?
Royal Party – Kings, Queens, and Knights (2012)
Cars (2011)
At BKI SUMMER SCHOOL, everyday is filled with new discoveries and tons of fun♪
Come join us and make your summer of 2021an unforgettable one!
Enrolment form TBA / 申し込みフォームは後日公開いたします。
Please feel free to send us your questions through the Enquiry form.